【同义词辨析】 2020-07-21 周边perimeter-circumference
perimeter: applies to the line bounding any area or the surface bounding a solid: walked the ~ of the property every evening. bound形成…的边界或界限to form the edge or limit of an area,如the field was bounded on the left by a wood那片地左边依傍着一片树林(以树林为界) 如the perimeter of the airport机场四周(周边),如a perimeter fence/track/wall围绕四周的栅栏/小径/墙,the rectangle has a perimeter of 30 cm矩形周长30厘米
periphery: though sometimes interchangeable with perimeter, is likely to apply to the actual edge, border, or boundary of something concrete: explore the ~ of the island; or to limits which cannot be exceeded: the ~ of consciousness. 从例句看,island岛屿相比上一例句的property房产而言,更加concrete实体化,因此periphery比上一词perimeter更加actual实际 (有2个意思 1、边缘周边如the UK is on the periphery of Europe英国位于欧洲边缘,如computer peripherals计算机外围设备(外设),如peripheral vision/nervous system周边视觉/神经系统 2、次要非核心,如don’t waste time on peripheral details/activities/information别浪费时间到次要的细节/非核心业务/次要辅助信息,如peripheral criticism肤浅的批评)
circuit: applies to a route, or often a journey, around a periphery or sometimes to any path that comes back to its point of beginning: the hands of the clock made a ~ of the face. 如an electrical/short/tennis/lecture circuit电路/短路/网球巡回赛/巡回讲学,如a circuit court/diagram巡回法庭/电路图,如本例to make a circuit of = go around走一圈
compass: is likely to refer to the area or space enclosed within a periphery or to the ground that figuratively might be passed over by the leg of a compass in describing a circle: taxed all the land within the ~ of the town. compass圆规、指南针 如the compass of a singer's voice歌手的音域
circumference: applies to the line that describes a circle or an ellipse or the length of such a line , or to something felt to have a center: built fires within the ~ of the camp.
perimeter边缘周边周长: 泛指区域的分界线或固体的分界面,periphery边缘周边范围: 可互换perimeter,多指实体边缘,或无法逾越的界线,circuit巡回路径: 指围绕边缘,或回到起点的路径,compass方圆: 指圆规腿所覆盖的区域,circumference圆周周长: 指圆周或椭圆周,或其周长
记忆方法: 1)首字母PPCCC想成PC Connect PC电脑连电脑, 需要使用外设<==即周边设备
2)周边的意思是外缘mean a continuous line enclosing an area.